Honey is full of antioxidants, antifungal and antibacterial properties.

ANTIOXIDANTS: It helps to protect your body from free radicals which are responsible for cell damage contributing to ageing and some chronic diseases like cancer etc.

ANTIBACTERIAL: The antibacterial properties of raw honey make it an excellent ointment to cure wounds, cuts and bacterial infections. In Ayurveda, it is believed that medicines work wonder when taken with honey.

ANTIFUNGAL: It has been found to be an effective antimicrobial agent. This antimicrobial activity stems primarily from the Hydrogen peroxide is the major contributor to the antimicrobial activity of honey, and the different concentrations of this compound in different kinds of honey result in their varying antimicrobial effects.

  • It is always better to have raw honey in your kitchen. What you find in your kitchen is processed one or pasteurised honey and the high heat used during this process removes so many beneficial nutrients.
  • "Manuka" Honey having great therapeutic value, called King Of Honey is effective for treating stomach Ulcers, Sore Throat, Pimples and Indigestion.
  • "Alfalfa" Honey is produced in U.S and Canada, made from Blue Blossoms, can treat Anemia, Diabetes and Indigestion if taken regularly.

CONSISTENCY AND COLOR OF HONEY: Honey can be watery to thick to a more crystallized semi-fluid matter. Sometimes pure and unprocessed honey changes its consistency with time or ore appropriately with the season.

The colour of honey ranges from pale to yellow or dark brown depending upon the sources where the honey bees buzzed.

TASTE OF HONEY: Honey can be woody, Spicy, Fruity or Floral and can also smell fresh or pungent depending upon the source of its nectar.

BENEFITS OF HONEY: Honey can be consumed orally and can be used in Homemade Face packs and Masks.

Oral Consumption of honey makes your skin look healthier and glow.
  • As honey improves your Digestive System, boosts your Metabolic Process and Flushes out Toxins present in your body.
  • You can also add honey in your morning regime. Take a glass of warm water with  1tbs of honey and 1/2 of a lemon.
  • It can be used for your hair health and also use honey with curd or yoghurt or a banana for shiny and silky hair.


    1. HITKARI HONEY: This brand claims to be pure and doesn't use any anti-biotic.It operates only in the season. 
    2. DABUR HONEY: It is a well-known brand in India known for its purity, aromatic taste and induction sealing.
    3. BEEZ HONEY: Known for its high-quality honey and its least or Zero Interference by hand. Beez honey is exported to other countries in the world and deals with different types of honey for specific purposes.
    4. LITTLE BEE ORGANIC HONEY: It deals in different types of honey known for its quality and hygienic standards. It is a bit costlier but worth to taste.
    5. PATANJALI: It is produced from the Nectars of flowers. Best known for its quality and affordable price.


  1. It was a really helpful blog. Looking forward for some more.... 🕵‍♂

  2. The method of expanding the benefits of honey is very good. Really admirable.

  3. As pollution is increasing day by day ..we need to take care of our body and the way you have elaborated the benefits of honey is just woow..😊

  4. I think your opinions are just awesome mam. I really appreciate and this blog will be very helpful for me

  5. hopefully i ll be writing some more.....thank u so much for your love and support


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