Chia seeds have been the most talked-about products in recent years. These tiny grey seeds with black and grey dots on it is a superfood as its name itself describes. Chia is an ancient Mayan word which means "Strength".

It was an important food for the Aztecs and Mayans back in the day. These are the edible seeds of Salvia Hispanic, a flowering plant in the sage family (Lamiaceae) native to central and southern Mexico, or of the related Salvia Columbariae of the southwestern United States and Mexico.


Chia seeds are one of the nutritious food on the Earth. It contains fibre, Protein, Omega -3 fatty acids and other Micronutrients. As per studies and Research, 28 grams ( 1 tbsp) of this power punch food contains : 
  • Fibre - 11 grams
  • Fats - 9 grams ( 5 grams of which is Omega -3)
  • Protein - 4 grams
  • Calcium - 18 % of RDI      
  • Manganese - 30 % of RDI
  • Magnesium - 30 % of RDI
  • Phosphorus - 27 % of RDI 
 It also contains a decent amount of Vitamin B1 (Thiamine), B2 (Riboflavin) and B3 (Niacin) [ water-soluble vitamin helps in breaking down food components, absorbing nutrients and maintaining tissues] Zinc and Potassium.

28 grams of chia seeds = 1 Ounce = 2 tbsp of chia seeds

It is very low in calories. 2 tbsp of chia seeds confers 137 calories and 1 gram of digestible Carbohydrates.


We all know that antioxidants help to fight against free radicals slow down the sign of ageing and disease like cancer. 
[ Honey is another superfood which fights against the production of free radicals.]
You can also make a lemonade for yourself including Honey, chia seeds, lemon and water into a jar.

You can prepare it in two different ways. Either soak 2 tbsp of chia seeds priorly in half a bowl of warm water or add at the times when you actually make honey water and lemon solution. 

Take a glass of cold icy or warm water as per your taste and needs. Warm for those who wish to lose weight. Squeeze half a lemon and add 1 tbsp of honey. you can also add some mint leaves to it.

You can also preserve soaked chia seed if extra or in advance in your refrigerator for a week.


 An ounce of chia seeds contains 12 grams of carbohydrates and Amazing thing is that 1 gram out of 12 grams of carbohydrates are Fibre (11 grams), which your body doesn't digest that ultimately helps in not raising your blood sugar level.  

Though it belongs to carbohydrates but are drastically different from carbs like sugar and starch.

1 gram of digestible carb out of 12 grams of carbohydrates which is very low in quantity characterise this food in the low-carb category.

The highly soluble fibre in it absorbs it to 10-12 times their weight in water, forms a gel-like substance and expands in the stomach help you feel fuller and eat less. Fibre also promotes your gut health, though it feeds the friendly bacteria present in your intestine.


Chia seeds contain a decent amount of protein. It is about 14% by weight which is quite high as compared to any other plant-based protein. It has essential Amino acid protein which helps in losing weight by lowering the appetite and night cravings as develops a feeling of satiety.

Amino acids are called building blocks of protein and also help in the synthesis of hormones and neurotransmitter.


Presence of Omega -3 fatty acids and its absorption in the human body is a debatable topic. Chia seeds are high in Omega-3 fatty acids. These are mostly in ALA, which needs to be metamorphosed into active forms - EPA and DHA so that body can use it.]

 Sadly the human body is inefficient at converting ALA into EPA and DHA( the most important fatty acids). 

So, if you want a good source of Omega-3 then use an animal source of Omega-3 i.e. Fatty fish or DHA supplement.


Chia seeds contain calcium, phosphorus, manganese and protein. An ounce of this seed confers 18% of Calcium of the RDI. 

It is an excellent source of calcium. Also contains phytic acid, which reduces calcium absorption to some extent.


You can make some daily morning shake by adding a spoonful of this power-packed punch. Or can make some pudding or porridge of it. These yummy breakfast smoothies will help you to lose weight, gives you glowing skin, shiny hair and will keep your heart healthy.

Can consume it raw or use ground chia seeds on your salad. You should always invest in good quality chia seeds as it is super beneficial food for your Inner health and of course skin health.
For some good quality chia seeds Click Here


Take some strawberries, half a cup of milk of your choice (coconut milk, Almond milk, Oat milk or cow milk even the toned one), 2-4 almonds and 2 tbsp of chia seeds either raw or soaked in water. You can also add some maple syrup as a sweetener. Put all ingredient in a jar and blend it for a minute.
And here is your breakfast ready. 

"Remember you need not to add a smoothie with your breakfast but have to replace it with your morning food"

Take some coconut milk or Almond milk  (3/4 of a bowl), Honey, Vanilla Extract and 2 tbsp of chia seeds(unflavored) and stir them till they are well combined. Put it into a bowl or jar for 2 hours in the refrigerator.

You can also prepare chia pudding with yoghurt or curd. Take half a bowl of curd or Greek yoghurt and add 3 tbsp of chia seeds and a spoon of maple syrup or honey into it. you can also mix some shredded coconut for taste. Mix it well and keep it aside for 20 minutes and it is ready to eat.  
This is good for your instant cravings for sweets.


Mash 1/2 of a banana in a bowl, take 3 tbsp of chia seeds, a spoon of cocoa powder, 3/4 cup of Almond milk and a tbsp of maple syrup or honey. Whisk until well combined and transfer it to a cup or jar. Refrigerate it for at least 2 hours or overnight. Top it with some sliced banana and nuts.


This pudding is for those sluggards who can not think much of their breakfast or when you’re too tired to think a night before or first thing in the morning. Also, for who are running short of time.

Take 1 cup of milk of your choice say, Almond, Soy, Oat milk, Coconut milk or the regular one. Add 1/4 cup of chia seeds and spoonful of maple syrup or honey in it. Mix it well and transfer it to a jar. Refrigerate it till morning you wake up. Add some berries either fresh or frozen to it or some seasonal fresh fruits and you are ready to go to your office.

"I am sure that you will fall in love with these puddings not because they are easy to prepare but for its delicious mouth-watery taste and loaded nutritional value"

DIY Face Masks Made Of Chia Seeds: 

                                                                                 Chia Seeds and Coconut Water Face Mask :

You can also make some chia seeds face mask. They are loaded with omega 3 fatty acids that fight against the production of leukotriene B4 which is responsible for causing sebum leading painful pimples.

Take a spoon of ground Chia seeds perfect for exfoliating. Add some lemon juice to it and 4 spoons of coconut water. Coconut is a miracle for the skin as it reduces the blemishes and tones the skin. Mix it well and apply all over the face. Make sure you wash the face before it completely dries as it will stick to your face. Exfoliate with wet palm before you wash off.

Chia Seeds Oil And Coconut Oil Face Mask :

Chia Seeds is full of antioxidants and nature's goodies like fatty acid which improves your skin leaving it supple and plump. It also helps in retaining moisture level. Thus, fight against wrinkles and dryness.
B3 and Zinc present in this powerful punch help with oily skin and clogged pores.

While coconut oil has some potential benefits for skin including reducing inflammation, keeping skin moisturised and help in heal wounds. It's anti-microbial property help to treat acne and protect skin from harmful bacteria.
           It will be beneficial in dry and cold wheather and good for extremely dry skin.

Looking at the benefits of this goodie, Some skincare brands have also introduced Chia Seeds beauty product range. 

The Face Shop Chia Seed Hydro Lotion enriched with B12 for glowing and hydrating skin| For all skin types|Paraben free Moisturizer is the best range in Skincare Product. 
The Face Shop Chia Seed Hydro Cream is another one of the most sought upon products. This product has got the best reviews ever that also have shocked me.

These products are of my choice and a bit costly but you can buy any brand of your choice.


"Though Research have found that different bodies are benefitted differently after consuming chia seeds.
Some people remained the same with a magnificent glow on the skin, some people were helped with reduced inflammation and some of them got desired weight. However, the health benefits are uncertain and debatable as more studies and research are required".

        So Eat Good Food, Do Exercise daily and never forget your Beauty Sleep.





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